The Seminole State College Educational Foundation received the David L. Boren Community Achievement Award at the Seminole Chamber of Commerce’s recent annual banquet in recognition of the economic impact their Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex had on the community of Seminole during 2023. The award was presented on Feb. 6 at the Utterback Ballroom on the College’s campus.
The award is bestowed upon individuals or organizations that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to community service and engagement. The award also honored the Foundation’s longstanding efforts to raise funds for scholarships and campus capital projects and its operation of the SSC Rural Business and Resources Center, which provides economic development to communities throughout the College’s service area.

for its positive impact on the community. Trustees pictured (left to right) are: Jim Hardin, Roy Sisco, Lance Wortham, Chris Moore, Billy Norton and Mark Schell.
The seven-field sports complex has hosted a number of contests and brought thousands of visitors to the local area since its opening in October of 2022. In May of 2023, more than 3,500 people attended the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association Class 2A and Class 3A state baseball tournaments. Additionally, there were teams from outside the local area playing in tournaments every weekend from March through October. Teams came from Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and New Mexico. The crowds drawn to these games led to a steady increase in sales tax revenue.
Chairman Lance Wortham and Vice Chair Mark Schell accepted the award on behalf of the Foundation Trustees.
Since 1972, the SSC Educational Foundation has served Seminole and the surrounding area.
“The SSC Educational Foundation has provided thousands of students financial assistance through its scholarship programs and assisted faculty and staff with professional development expenses,” SSC President Lana Reynolds said. “Over the course of the last year, the Foundation’s positive impact extended far beyond the SSC campus to make a difference in our area.”