Seminole State College students and personnel visited the State Capitol to join the Oklahoma’s Promise Day celebration on April 9. Since its inception in 1992, the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship program has awarded college tuition scholarships to more than 85,000 high school graduates, according to the Oklahoma’s Promise 2017-18 Year End Report.
Oklahoma’s Promise allows eighth-, ninth- or 10th-grade students from families with an income of $55,000 or less to earn a college tuition scholarship. Students must also meet academic and conduct requirements in high school.

Pictured (back row l-r): SSC Director of Financial Assistance Melanie Rinehart, SSC student Cade Daley, SSC student Eric Hutchison, SSC student Zachary Bukowski, SSC student Danielle Love, SSC student Sidney Swart; (front row) SSC Financial Assistance Clerk Antonio Torralba, SSC Financial Aid Specialist Caitlin Brown, SSC student Brittney Yeubanks, SSC student Koleane Wood, SSC student Nadiyah Harmon, Senator Jason Smalley, and SSC Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Tony Crouch.