Visit your College's Financial Aid Office

The financial aid office at Seminole State is full of friendly faces who are available to help you to learn about the “in-house” scholarships that are offered within Seminole State College.  These are scholarships that are available for Seminole State Students only.  If you are interested in receiving one of these scholarships, please go to the financial aid office and speak with them!

Financial Aid Employees

Edie Cathey: Financial Aid Director

Edie Cathey

Caitlin Brown: Financial Aid Specialist

Caitlin Brown

LeRicke Frank: Financial Aid Clerk

Caitlin Brown

Fill out your FAFSA

   The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as the FAFSA) is a form that can be prepared annually by current and prospective college students (undergraduate and graduate) in the United States to determine their eligibility for student financial aid.

   The FAFSA automatically enters you into a pool of eligibility-based grant monies.

These include: OTAG, PELL, SEOG, and Oklahoma’s Promise (you must have signed up for Oklahoma’s Promise in the 8th-10th grades)

   When you fill out your FAFSA… be sure to do so carefully and correctly!

 An error on your FAFSA could delay the application process for several weeks.  If you have any questions, contact the Federal Student Aid Information center through the FAFSA website. Seminole State’s Financial Aid Office will also be glad to help you.  Most importantly, do not miss any deadlines.  Apply as early as possible to have an idea of the funding you will receive, that way you have time to apply for additional funding.  Oklahoma grants are dispersed on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS!

Tip: Ask SSC’s Financial Aid office about their “Annual FAFSA days” workshop!

 FAFSA applications become available on OCTOBER 1st at