SSC GEAR UP Program Takes Prague Freshmen on Tour of OBU

The Prague High School freshmen class recently attended a college and career fair on the campus of Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. The activity was facilitated by the Seminole State College GEAR UP program and student/parent coordinator Misty Cooper.

The Prague High School freshmen class recently visited Oklahoma Baptist University for a college and career fair, as well as a campus tour. The trip was facilitated by the Seminole State College GEAR UP program.

The students had the opportunity to meet over 80 various representatives from colleges and universities, military branches, and technical schools. After the fair concluded, students toured and had lunch on OBU campus.

OBU admissions counselor Dakota Kappelle, provided information on admission requirements, financial aid, small class sizes, extra-curricular campus activities and what it is like to live on campus in student dormitories. 

            GEAR UP is a federal program with goals to increase academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education, increase the rate of high school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary education, and increase students’ and families’ knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation and financing.  GEAR UP serves a cohort of eighth and ninth grade students at Prague Public Schools through 2024.