General Education Assessment – Student Outcomes

General Education Outcomes

Revised April 30, 2014

SSC has established four general education outcomes that students are expected to demonstrate as the result of their diligent participation in coursework and campus activities. As such, all courses offered for college credit should accomplish one or more of the following student outcomes:

Outcome 1:    Demonstrate effective and scholarly communication skills.

Outcome 2:    Utilize scientific reasoning and/or critical thinking to solve problems.

Outcome 3:    Demonstrate knowledge and display behavior related to functioning in and adding value to a global society.

Outcome 4:    Recognize the role(s) of history, culture, the arts, or sciences within civilization.

In order to assess the achievement of the above desired outcomes, Assessment of General Education utilizes a number of direct indicators including Course-Embedded Assessment of the general education component of all SSC courses, student performance on the ETS Proficiency Profile, and the success of students that transfer to four-year institutions. The College also employs a number of indirect assessments of General Education as highlighted in other sections of this website.

General Education Outcomes Matrix (May 2019)

General Education Course Embedded Assessment Summaries

OSRHE Assessment Report Executive Summaries