The Seminole State College Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institution’s (NASNTI) federal grant program hosted “The Methods of AI in Preserving and Revitalizing Native American Languages” symposium on Sept. 26. Deidre Holmberg (pictured) delivered the event’s keynote with a presentation on generative AI and education. Holmberg is the Principal Tech Education Strategist at Amazon Web Services.

Native American flutist and DJ Oliver Pruitt, who performs under the moniker Olywurld, played for attendees prior to the start of the event.

Cherokee Nation Chief Information Officer Paula Starr led a breakout session on “AI Strategy in Tribal Government.”

Renita DiStefano, the founder and CEO of Second Derivative, discussed AI’s role in safeguarding Native American intellectual property in her session titled “The Importance of Data Sovereignty and Data Governance.”

Sean Muir, the founder and Executive Director of iStory, spoke about engaging indigenous youth with storytelling and visual media during his presentation titled “Preserving Language with Indigenous Content: Graphic Novels and Motion Comics.”