Solar Eclipse Watch Party Held at SSC

Pictured is a large group of faculty, staff and students gathered outside on SSC's campus to watch the solar eclipse.

Seminole State College students, faculty and staff gathered outside the E.T. Dunlap Student Union for a solar eclipse watch party on April 8. Everyone in attendance was given a pair of glasses designed to protect their eyes for the direct observation of the sun.

Pictured is Director of Student Activities and event organizer Melinda Sims passing out gift bags. Student Activities leaned into the theme and provided Sun Chips, Moon Pies, and Eclipse gum to attendees.

Director of Student Activities and event organizer Melinda Sims passed out gift bags. Student Activities leaned into the theme and provided Sun Chips, Moon Pies, and Eclipse gum to attendees.

Pictured is Upward Bound Coordinator Jay Williams as he observes the eclipse through a one-way mirror at SSC’s watch party.
Upward Bound Coordinator Jay Williams observes the eclipse at SSC’s watch party.