SSC Regents Convene for January Meeting

At their meeting on January 21, the Seminole State College Board of Regents approved a revision to a policy regarding the reappointment of personnel and reviewed the terms of President Lana Reynolds’ employment.

During the President’s Report, Reynolds informed the Board about recent activities and events at the College. The President also provided Board members with a 2019 Year-in-Review.

Under the first item on the agenda, the Regents approved a revision to a policy regarding how personnel are notified about reappointment. This action changes the obligation to notify all faculty and professional staff by April 15 of each year regarding the College’s intent to rehire them. After the revision, now the institution will only notify those it does not intend to rehire. The change was supported by the SSC Administrative Council, Faculty Senate and Professional Staff Council.

Under the second item on the agenda, the Board retired into executive session to discuss the terms of employment for President Reynolds’ 2020 contract. Earlier this month, Reynolds met with a committee consisting of Regents Curtis Morgan, Ray McQuiston and Kim Hyden to receive a formal evaluation of her performance. The committee reviewed progress on goals set last January and provided input on goals to consider for 2020.

Reynolds was hired in July, 2017, but in accordance with Board policy the President’s contract should be reviewed for extension each January. After returning to open session, the Board made a motion to extend Reynolds’ three-year contract for another year with a 3.5 percent increase to her salary.

“I appreciate the support of the Board,” President Reynolds said. “The success we’ve had over the last year has been a team effort. It is an honor to continue to serve this institution, and I cannot wait to see what we accomplish over the next year.”

Board members present at the meeting were: Chair Curtis Morgan, Marci Donaho, Ryan Franklin, Kim Hyden, Ray McQuiston and Paige Sherry.

The next meeting of the SSC Board of Regents is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020.